What do I do after fulfillment?
If I am whole and complete what do I do next?
I am everything and everything is perfect in this present moment... now what?
"Before enlightenment chop wood carry water, after enlightenment chop wood carry water"
- Zen proverb
It is false that you will do no actions after realizing you are whole and complete. Your productivity is heightened because you are working with pure inspiration. You take all the right actions and you are in the right place and the right time. Because the whole Universe (Youniverse) is working with you instead of against you.
Being whole and complete is your natural state
Everything you want and need is right in front of you. If you do not have it you do not need it!
"Want what you have"
- unknown
(See you have everything you truly need in the present moment. It's already here!)
Reality is a frequency based fractal holographic mirror world
You choose every moment as your consciousness projects every scene in your story into physical manifestation.
Time is an illusion and everything in creation is complete.
You created the limitation in the first part of your life yourself.
Everything you created up to now happened for your highest good, as you orchestrated it all for yourself. Even though your mind resists this realization and wants to feel like a victim.
You are the author, coder, orchestrator of your interdimensional game world.
Cosmic Algorithm
Your world is a cosmic algorithm. You get to choose anything with paying your attention, your focus into a certain reality world.
Fear and doubt is gone now
If you knew what gift this life is from the viewpoint of Divinity, you would never doubt or fear again. You receive every moment with open arms and an open heart with immense gratitude and humility.
Be whole first
That's why you can be happy with nothing first. Be fulfilled with nothing first, just to realize you ARE everything and nothing, pure awareness.
You become completely unattached to the illusion.
Non-attachment, non-judgement, non-resistance to the external projection means you have just entered God(des) mode.
Now you are a Reality Creator.
Your purpose after self realization
Your purpose is to surrender your personal (fake) will (ego) to the true (divine) will and let this mystical force work through you to be of service to other "selves" by being and emanating your own unique authentic self expression as a fractal of pure Consciousness.
It is the divine aspect of you that creates.
This is the peak of fulfillment. There is no higher goal to strive for that will give you more.
That's it.